Bookish Stuff

Summer Paperback Sale

Hey there! Have you ever wanted your print copy of one of my books? They are now on sale. Before you consider ordering paperbacks from big name stores, please consider ordering for me first. As an indie author, it helps me out a lot. Because I get all my profits by cutting out the middleman.… Continue reading Summer Paperback Sale

Bookish Stuff

BTB: Luxe Noir

Hey there! I often get the question: "How did you come up with this book?" Or some variation of it. So, I'm starting a new series called Behind the Book. Here I go a little deeper into the thought process that led up to or have something to do with my fictional universe, which I… Continue reading BTB: Luxe Noir

Bookish Stuff

2022: A Recap…Kind Of

Hey there! We're at the end of another year. I'm always in awe of how the days just run by and bam...the year is ended. I wasn't going to do a recap, didn't feel up to it. But I've done one every year, and despite my how my heart feels, I didn't want this year… Continue reading 2022: A Recap…Kind Of