
Hey there! Welcome to my piece of the internet. Before we get into the formal stuff, let’s talk about my driving force.

Storytime: I’d never forget when my elementary school teacher had me stand in front of the class while she told the other kids, I and my family were moving to “Africa” (if I knew then what I know now, I’d have the classic clap back😉)
🤦🏾‍♀️😱I’d never forget how in the span of the next several days after I was told by kids who I’m sure got it from their parents how “HORRIBLE Africa was” I was so scared.
No matter what my parents said, I was terrified but… yep we were leaving the US to Lagos.
💕I stayed there until after college… I didn’t even wait for certificate to land… why? Cos growing up, I saw on TV how “GREAT America was” …. Ha!!!
Been in the US 20 plus years now and I know now everywhere has good and bad.
📚In my stories, I’m committed to showcasing the “good” of the Continent cos the West has the bad covered.
📚I write stories of faith from an “America born, Nigeria molded, America living” perspective.
Adiche said it best…There is danger in a single story. Now to my formal bio….

Unoma Nwankwor writes Sweet Contemporary Multicultural/Black romances centered on African culture. Through her stories, readers are taken on a romantic adventure across Africa and its Diaspora. Faith, family, hope, and the rich culture of Africa are the foundation on which her stories are woven. Between the pages, she promises you humor, tight hugs, forehead kisses, and above all else, redemptive, sacrificial love. Hailing from Akron, Ohio, Unoma is a first-generation Nigerian – American who spent her childhood in Atlanta, GA, and early adulthood in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. Holding two degrees in Finance and Management, she is the recipient of the Nigerian Writer’ Award 2015 for Best Faith Fiction Writer. In 2017, she was short-listed for the Diaspora Writer of the Year. She was also a 2021 & 2022 nominee for the Building Readers Around Books Awards. A few years ago, she was named one of the 100 Most Influential Nigerian Writers Under 40.

Currently living in Atlanta, Unoma wears numerous hats but the one she’s most proud of is, mother of two kids and wife to her film director husband. She juggles this with co-running her entertainment company KevStel Productions & Publications and encouraging and inspiring hope through her Expectant Living platform.
Her readers are in love with her unique way of telling stories that capture the essence of her present home base in the USA and her Nigerian culture. She like to say she writes from an American born, Nigerian molded, American living perspective. You can catch her writing from the comfort of her bedroom nook with a pack of pepperoni slices and a cup of java.

To read about Unoma’s publication journey, click here

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Love your books especially the Danjumas, always looking forward to reading their stories especially in the evenings after busy days at the office during the week

    1. Hi Bim, thank you very much. I’m glad you love the Danjumas. So many others do as well. I am releasing a Christmas story with them titled Mixed Tidings. It releases 11/26. You can preorder it now

  2. I don’t know how I stumbled on your site, but it’s an exciting experience. I can’t believe I found you, this is all I ever wanted and to think that your writings are African Christian romance. GOD BLESS YOU

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