Bookish Stuff

Connections Thursday: The Danjumas

Hey there!

Missed last week’s episode of #ConnectionsThursday but we’re back. So, we’ve pretty much covered the standalones. Today, I’ll be introducing the first family of the U.N Universe, the Danjumas.

Four companion books make up the Danjumas plus one cousin book. To know more about the books and the Danjumas, Click here.

Because they are a family, they appear in each other’s books. You can also find some of them in other books. If you are looking for a loving family series, packed with humor, faith lessons, fellowship, check out the Danjuamas.

Relax this weekend with the Danjumas, you won’t be disappointed. Click here

Until next time

Peace & Blessings


PS: This Sunday I hope to have a sample of my upcoming release for you…stay tuned.