Samples & Teasers


Hey y’all. writing is going really well. Picked this project back up last Sunday and I’ve made considerable progress. Here’s the first unedited sample from To Breathe Again.


Her boss ignored her plea. “Yes, that’s why I expect you and Lara to get together to exchange notes and all the contacts she has lined up.”
“But Sir…”
“No buts Isoken, you’ve always been one of the best. When you decided to come back, I was excited. You can do this.”
Isoken’s eyes diverted to Tekena who refused to meet her eyes. Instead he scrolled through his phone casually. “Based on yesterday, I think you know enough to go over what I’ll need before next week…”
Dismayed by his audacity, Isoken forced on a smiled but narrowed her eyes at him. Wasn’t this the same man that insinuated she might not know what she was doing? The glint in his eyes told her that he knew he had her stuck.
“Sir, Lara will be back Monday…” Isoken tried again.
Tekena lifted his eyes to Mr. Gambo. “I’m a busy man and every hour is precious. If it’ll be a problem, I can let the Co—”
“Oh no that’s no problem at all,” Mr. Gambo hastened to reassure him. “Miss. Adolo here will be your contact from now on.” He then turned to her. “She’ll make this campaign her utmost priority.”
I can’t believe this clown just threatened our contract.
There was no way Mr. Gambo believed he had that kind of power. But then, one could never be too sure. A smooth American accent and loads of money could make anything happen in Nigeria especially from a famous son of the soil. One thing was for sure, no matter how smooth he was, she was cursing him out after this stunt.
“Good,” Tekena met her eyes for the first time. A smile lingered on his lips. He looked at his watch. “If you you’re free for lunch, we can get started on what needs to be done.”
“Now?” Isoken shook her head. “I already ordered something from across the street. I have another meeting in an hour. And a couple more after that. Besides, I haven’t gotten myself acquainted with the campaign.”
In all honestly, she spent a considerable amount of time the previous evening getting familiar with the project, but she didn’t want to give Tekena the satisfaction. She’d rather eat sand.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll have my secretary move your calendar around.” Mr. Gambo immediately picked up the receiver, dialed his secretary and gave her instructions.
Isoken glared at Tekena who winked at her. She felt like a prostitute whose pimp was offering her to the highest bidder.
“Okay, that’s settled. Lara should be forwarding her files to you as we speak.”
Isoken turned to leave the office. “Great, I’ll go get my purse.”
She knew her voice held no excitement but at this point she no longer cared. Lara would be excited to let this go. Now it was her headache.
“Oh, Isoken, you can also take the remainder of the day off.”
She paused, took in a breath then turned to face both men, with clenched teeth, she responded. “Thank you.”
I guess I’m having sand for lunch.

Drop a comment, let me know your thoughts. I’m shooting for a November release day. It’s been a long time coming. But it’s coming.

Peace & Blessings


12 thoughts on “Sample Sunday : HE KNEW HE HAD HER STUCK”

  1. Hello Unoma,

    Thanks for this.

    I read a few paragraphs and it sounds great.

    I spotted what I think is a typo, the the words in bold:

    “ Oh no that’s no problem at all,” Mr. Gambo hastened to reassure him. “Miss. Adolo here will be your contact from now on.” Her then to her. “She’ll make this campaign her utmost priority.”

    Hope that’s ok.


    PS: my brother’s name is Tekena 😀

    1. HI Nemi,
      Thank you for checking it out. It was a typo, this is an unedited sample but I spotted it and fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out.
      Aww, I grew up in PH and I’ve always loved the name Tekena.

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