Bookish Stuff

#GoodReadFriday :Hope & My Fiction Ep.4

Happy Friday! Or should I say Fri-yay! As always let’s give thanks to God for letting us see another weekend. As you know it is time for another edition of Hope & My Fiction.

Today I’ll be introducing you to Ayanti better known as Yanni (an embattled pop star) & Pastor Mensah. Did you catch that? A Pastor and a pop star. I didn’t say gospel artist, I said pop star and an embattled one at that.

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I came up with Ayanti and Mensah’s story while driving home one day. I was listening to a sermon on Queen Esther. Her initial hesitation to do what Mordacai was asking her to do caught my attention. When God elevates us, we sometimes tend to forget Him later on. The story went through many edits but the gist of the story remained the same. Ayanti was a PK(Preacher’s Kids) that turned her back on God. She thought she had a valid reason but did she? Once her trials and storms began to rage, she lost all hope. That was until she met Pastor Mensah.

Find out how this couple were able to push through public opinion and their own hiccups to come out on top in the end.

He Changed My Name is available in Print  & Ebook on all major platforms.




Don’t forget to check out my new Podcast Anchor Talk on iTunes.



2 thoughts on “#GoodReadFriday :Hope & My Fiction Ep.4”

  1. This book RIGHT here was outstanding. Why? well first of all this author can write her booty off, develop characters and tell a sassy sometimes comedic story. I’ve read several of her books and this one was an unexpected surprise. Second it is rich in African culture which is her signature and going to Africa for under $5100 is a blessing.
    Here’s why I’m calling it a surprise the author in this romantic story put together a Hip Hop, booty shaking songbird and a Pastor. Ha!!!! Yea you are SURPRISED, and here is a small spoiler; the focus stays on the glory of God with slips and dips but our relationship with Christ is the same way, real talk.
    I challenge you to download this book, read it and let me know if you were able to stop at one Nwankwor novel.

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