Bookish Stuff

#GoodReadFriday: Hope & My Fiction Ep.3

Happy Friday!

We made it to the end of another week and it’s time for another episode of Hope & My Fiction.

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to the Dikes. Amara & Ejike Dike are the first married couple I wrote about and boy let me tell you, they are my award winning couple and reader favorite. Their story however almost didn’t get written. You see I almost listened to the surveys and veteran writer opinions advice that said “married couple books” don’t really sell as romance. Being a new writer then I almost took that advice but I’m so glad I didn’t. If you are a new writer out there reading this, my advice to you is to research your market but be faithful to your convictions and God and write what is in your heart to write.

When You Let Go cover3

The Dikes were the loving, Christian couple who had everything, except the one thing they desired. As they held on to hope believing that God wold come through for them, they are met with a bombshell that would rock the very foundation if their existence. At a point everything around Amara looked hopeless. Ejike wallowed in despair as his marriage slowly slipped out of his fingers. Just when they thought it was all over,the Lord Almighty intervened in ways only He can.

When You Let Go is available in Print & Ebook on all major platforms.





2 thoughts on “#GoodReadFriday: Hope & My Fiction Ep.3”

  1. I’m going to have to buy When You Let Go, I thought I had that title but I don’t so that’s “When you let Go” and “An Unexpected Blessing”. The way you shared a little back story to your titles on your wonderful podcast the other evening I have to read An Unexpected Blessing.

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