Samples & Teasers

Sample Sunday: Did I Tell You to Marry Him?

Hey there!

Happy Sunday.

I’m still on the high of Destiny Fulfilled. Have you read it yet? If you have, please leave a review. I know I sound like a broken record, but reviews help me with exposure. Countless hours and resources go into producing a book. I love it but it is still work. Thank you for your support!

Now let’s get to the business of the day. In Destiny Fulfilled, Mustafa mentions Darius Gray. But did you know he has his own story? Yep, titled Vegas Nights. The book stars Safiya & Darius and is free in KU. Here’s a sample.

“I said come to Vegas and have a nice time.” Layla fussed. “I said nothing about coming here and getting your behind married.”
Safiya and Darius had returned to the Walden a little while ago. They left the other hotel through an exit she didn’t even know hotels had. On getting here, they entered this one with the same secrecy. She always knew rich people did too much, but this was just extra. In this situation, though, she appreciated it.
“Lay, chill out. I told you Darius said it would be annulled before the day is over and the record sealed.”
“Oh, so we’re calling him Darius, now.” Layla teased.
“Stop it. I’m stressed out enough.” Safiya threw her clothes into her suitcase. They had to leave for the airport in the next hour.
“You wouldn’t be stressed if when I tried to get you to have fun, you did.” Layla walked to the dresser to pack up her hair products. “If you had fun on the regular like any normal twenty-nine-year-old, you wouldn’t have gone all the way to the left when a little fun was dangled in front of you.”
“Says the woman that bartered me off for some pictures.”
“Sure did, but no one told you to give up the cookies. That was all you.” Layla giggled. “I’m fine with that though, because despite all your fronting, you like that tall glass of cocoa.”
Safiya tried but couldn’t hide the heat that crept up into her cheeks. That man’s body should be in a museum somewhere on display. When he was dressed, he was a thing to remember but naked, that physique should be studied in colleges.
“Oh Jeez, that look on your face!” Layla shook her head. “I’m glad he got you together. But again, did you have to marry the man?”
“I don’t know why you’re still carrying on. I should be the one panicking. But I’m not, because I know he’ll fix this.”
“No, you’re not panicking because you’re still under the trance of his charm.” Layla placed her hand over her heart. “You gonna drive my pressure up.”
“Stop being silly. I told you everything will be fine.”
“And if it’s not. Do you like him?”
“Like as a person, yes. Attracted even…yes. Do I want to be married to him? Heck nah. Do you know what kind of headache that would be? A real marriage to a billionaire? Not even a fake one. We barely know each other.”
“But your lady bits know him.” Layla winked.
Safiya waved her off. “Yeah and you can see what kind of asinine decisions came as a result.”

Vegas Nights is one story of the Billionaire trilogy called The Billionaire Pact. All books are also available in KU

‘Till next time

Peace and blessings
