My Musings

Outstanding Performance!


John 3:27 “To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven” “

My baby brother’s favorite saying is “know your role”. It’s just a saying to him but it got me thinking. We all have different roles to play in this existence called life. Sometimes we love our roles, sometimes we dont! Therefore, instead of playing our role, we spend a majority of our lives trying to play or wish we had the role of another.

Finding contentment and happiness is a journey in life. This journey can be so beautiful and enjoyable if only we choose to have an outstanding performance in any role we find ourselves. The biggest mistake is trying to be someone else when God has made each of us a unique creature made out of His own image and likeness.

Now let me put in a disclaimer here, this is in no way meant to support mediocrity or laziness but encouragement that in any role you find yourself, you should always be the best there is at it. Now that’s what I understand to be purposeful living. With this mindset,  you will not spend your life looking for that ‘thing’  that will provide happiness for you. Happiness come from within.

John the Baptist came to make a path for our Savior. John was preaching the gospel, baptizing people and had so many followers that the people thought he was the Messiah. John knew his role, which was to prepare the way for Jesus. This did not stop him from doing what he was called to do with all his power and might. He did have people like we all do, that will try to discourage or bring us down about our choices and attitudes. As in John 3:26 “They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan—the one you testified about—look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.” It’s true what they say…misery does love company. However John’s attitude was evident in the reply he gave in verse 27  To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.”

He carried out the role of evangelist very well. He did not get upset or offended that when Christ came, his ‘thunder’ would die down. He was not jealous or envious that the people now gravitated towards Christ. But he was content in playing the role that he was called to play and he put on an outstanding performance. John the Baptist’s attitude about doing what he was sent to do as if his life depended on it is an attitude we can all emulate and is taught in Colossians 3:23…” And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

God made you as a unique individual. You have a special gift, which should be used to its full potential. Dont try to be the imitation of someone else or when you are an original YOU.

Everyone has a role they have to play at different seasons of their life. The key is to be the best there is with a good attitude so that when all is said and done you would be living a purposeful life and putting on an outstanding performance.

© 2012 by unoma nwankwor