My Musings

Who Is Rolling The Stone

Hi there! Today, I have the extreme pleasure of introducing to you a lady I simply call “sis”. Her name is Thecla and she is the face, voice and mastermind behind “Ds Favored Woman.” Boy does she have a word for you today!! Read and be blessed.

Who Is Rolling The Stone….

“And when the Sabbath was past (that is, after the sun had set), Mary Magdalene, and Mary (the mother) of James, and Salome purchased sweet-smelling spices, so that they might go and anoint (Jesus body).

And very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb; (by then) the sun had risen.

And they said to one another, who will roll back the stone for us out of (the groove across the floor at) the door of the tomb?

And when they looked up, they (distinctly) saw that the stone was already rolled back, for it was very large.”

Mark 16:1-4 (AMP)

This morning, my 7-year old daughter was telling me the story of Judas betrayal the way she understood it, then she asked me to continue telling the story. (Now I think about it, I just realize that I was conned into telling the whole story, but it’s always worth it. Lol).

I told her about the last supper, the ultimate betrayal, the crucifixion and of course the resurrection.

As I told the story of how these women (who had such a deep responsibility for the welfare of Jesus ministry) set out to anoint the body of Jesus who they believed was still lying in the tomb, I was also being taught in my spirit some lessons to take away from this story.

Watching the crucifixion of the one they called Lord was painful beyond words. Jesus had been everything to them. They watched in horror as He was mocked, flogged, tortured and hung on the cross, and it hurt even more knowing that there was nothing they could do to stop the Roman soldiers from torturing him.

After the crucifixion, the disciples of Jesus stayed holed up because it was a very confusing time for them and they didn’t know what to do next, but these women out of a deep sense of love and responsibility refused to let the fear of the possible dangers (dressed in military uniforms) outside their secured zone keep them from going to anoint Jesus body.

The first thing these women did was to purchase sweet smelling spices. My take away here is that in our everyday life we all have different callings and responsibilities and no calling is without roadblocks both mental and structural.

Mental roadblocks could be in the form of the fear of plunging into unsafe territory, for example you get an idea to invent something new and while everything in your head is telling you “it can’t be done” or “you have absolutely no experience for this”, you cant shake away that deep burning desire in you that urges you to step out of your comfort zone

The structural roadblocks could be an angry mob of Pharisees waiting outside your house or in this case a really huge rock blocking the entrance to their destination!

1.These women went out to purchase the supplies they needed.

What is that responsibility that God has given to you? Have you gone to the market to purchase the supplies you need or did you go to the market to window shop and check the prices and walk around the market some more to see what other people are buying?

The thing about walking around the market without a list is that you lose focus and get distracted!

We have all been put on earth with various gifts and talents, with different assignments and responsibilities.

Sometimes we know our gifts, and feel the tug of responsibility pointing us in the direction of our destiny but we are too afraid to move because we are stuck counting the cost of moving!

These women got everything they needed for the job of anointing Jesus body and started the journey to the tomb.


Now you might be inclined to think they didn’t know there was a huge rock blocking the entrance of the tomb, but if you read the previous chapter, you will find out that these women followed the body to see where they lay Him, they waited and watched to be sure that he had finally been put to rest before they left. They saw with their own eyes the huge rock placed before the tomb to prevent anyone from getting in. So make no mistake about it, they knew the size of the rock or roadblock in their path.

2.The second thing I notice here was that they didn’t talk about the “roadblock” until they were well into the thick of the journey.

I like to look at it like they got everything they needed and left and sought solutions on the journey.

In business or any other creative pursuit, you can’t afford to sit and wait until you have acquired all the skills and training before you move. You move with the skills and gifts you already have and look for solutions as you continue on your way. There will always be new things to learn.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 – “He who observes the wind (and waits for all conditions to be favorable) will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap”.  (AMP)

3. The third thing I noticed here was that the women looked up!

For me looking up represents having faith that everything will work out better than I hoped.

In our business and creative pursuits, looking up represents holding on to hope and waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

I recently watched the autobiography of the African-American gold medal artistic gymnast Gabby Douglas and something stood out for me.

In the movie, she reveals how early in life she knew she wanted to compete in the Olympics but even with her talents, there were massive roadblocks in front of her. One of them was that the coach she wanted to train with lived hundreds of miles away and her mother didn’t know that was going to work out. Gabby kept her eyes on what she wanted and hoped beyond hope for something to happen while she went for her usual training in her old gym class.


Then at the right time, an opportunity presented itself as a family that wanted to host her so she could move closer to her dream coach and pursue her dream.

At the right time!!

If the women had come to anoint the body 2 days early, the rock would still have been there and the soldiers guarding the tomb would have chased them away.

Opportunity presents itself most times to those on the path of their destiny as a rolled away stone.

In the midst of life’s challenges, I want you to be sure of one thing, God is watching over you and His grace is available to start you on the path, keep you in the race and help you finish strong.

About Thecla


Thecla (aka Favored woman) blogs at where she writes inspiring posts on faith, family and friendships as the key instruments to establishing Gods kingdom on earth.She is passionate about living the God kind of life and encourages others via her writing to do same. She also loves writing short stories for adults and children.

Hope you are empowered!

Be Blessed,


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2 thoughts on “Who Is Rolling The Stone”

    1. Thank you so much DrSwag. This means a lot to me coming from you. I am so blessed to have people like you who push me to give more of myself to God.

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