My Musings

Who Are You?

Isaiah 30:15 “This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation,  in quietness and trust is your strength”

Normally, at this time of the year, we reflect on the happenings of the year, and plans are being made on the year ahead. For me,  things were rough but in all things I’m thankful that He kept me and gave me the grace to pull through. I am not for one minute going to sit here and pretend it was all good, and whatever trials or temptations came my way I was strong and stayed in faith all through. That would be a lie.

Last December, I lost a dear friend and sister who was an angel on earth to me and countless of those who knew her. Come January I lost my father in law and an uncle within weeks of each other and since then it has just been one thing after the other. Lost two cousins to childbirth and the most  astonishing of all was that I found myself hospitalized for seven days just out of nowhere. Got on a plane for a business trip and was carried off on a stretcher, to the emergency room and a stint in the ICU. It totally caught me by surprise.

Through all this I started to run from God, why would these things be happening? The temptation and trials were becoming unbearable. I was mad at my God. I used to wake up everyday for a couple of weeks, acknowledge Him because He was God but that will be it. The talks we used to have during the day was non-existent. I started to doubt who I was in Christ Jesus. If He loved me that much they why?? The one day it dawned on me, there had to be a reason that out of everything that happened around me, I’m still here. He never promised me I will be free of trials but He promised me I will overcome.

Sometimes the temptation of the devil is more subtle. He uses our weaknesses, wants  or down times to plant  negative thoughts in our mind. Often times when we are in our mess, we begin to lose confidence in ourselves and the promises of God. We do not fight the lies of the devil with the weapons of warfare we have been given. During His time in the desert, that joker Satan tried the same thing on Jesus …”.if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones turn to bread”~ Mathew 4:3 . He knew Jesus was hungry and tried to get Him to prove himself. As Christians we will have those friends, family members, people in our life who will make us question who we are because of our external circumstance.

The only way to come against such attack or temptation is by meditating and standing on the promises of God. Once we know who we are there is no need to waiver. Keep your head held high as we are overcomes through Christ Jesus. By the way to be overcomers, we have to have something to overcome right.?

I have overcome quite a bit this year as I’m sure some of you have as well. In everything we give thanks. What didn’t kill us will only make us stronger. Amen

Be Blessed
