Bookish Stuff

Good or Bad News?

A Promise Fulfilled will release on November 29th. Preorder link will be communicated soon. Enjoy this snippet between Yasmine & her sister Salma.

“Come on sis, I know this time of the year is hard for you, but you said you’ll try. I know this isn’t what you had in mind.”
“You’re right.” Yasmine saw the worry on her sister’s face and decided she wouldn’t rain on her parade.
“Are you sure you had bad news? It mustn’t be that bad if it’s taking so long to spit out.”
Salma shifted to the other end of the sofa.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you moving?”
“Because if you swing; I’ll be forced to swing back. And I don’t want that. So, I’m making sure you can’t reach me.”

Character Insp for Yasmine(L) & Salma.(R)
**I do not own rights to these photos for VISUALS only

Stay tuned for more information. You can also visit Pinterest to see yhe board.

Peace & Blessings


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