The Writing Journey

2015 My Writing


Did you make or write any resolutions down? You know those promises we make to ourselves that become a distant memory by the time February rolls around. LOL. I never did resolutions, truth be told I never even did goals until I became intentional about walking in my purpose. But now that I think of it, why do we put our hope in a failed system (resolutions).

Writing is my passion, my books are my platform and my purpose is to spread the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus. For those of you who are not familiar with my books or writings, a common theme that flows through them is hope, grace, reconciliation and surrender to His will.

So in order to make sure I am doing what I’ve been called to do I have to set goals, actions that would be the road map to a pre-determined end. That end is to hear Him say “Well done.” In reading In Pursuit of Purpose by the late Dr. Myles Munroe…I’ve been enlightened that goals should “create your priorities, determine your decisions, dictate companions and predict your choices” So everything I do should be centered around my purpose and mission.

I’m not a vision board kinda girl…well maybe I’d be if I had the patience to cut out pictures and stuff. I’m more like a writing the vision down kinda girl. I strongly believe in Habukkuk 2:2…write the vision down, make it plain…so I always write down my goals in writing and other areas of my life.

I’ll share the writing goals but for good measure I’ll also share some other aspects of your life where goals are important.

1. Spiritual Goals

2. Personal Goals( About YOU)

3. Family Goals

4. Business Goals( Writing for me)

This is what I plan to do but I firmly stand on Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”

1. Publish A Scoop of Love (Book 1 Sons of Ishmael)

2. Write Anchored By Love( Book 2 Sons of Ishmael)

3. Write Unamed novella

4. Begin work on a collaboration project.

In everything I do, my prayer is that there is less of me and more of Him because to Him belongs all GLORY!!!

Share what you have planned this year?



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