My Musings

Just A Thought

i-am-the-vineDriving into work yesterday, I began to ponder on my life just a few short years ago. It amazed me how I have always confessed the name of the Lord but was content on living a life without any drive or passion.

You see I was content in going to three places, grocery store, work and church. Then spending all my time reading novels. Very mundane existence when I look back on it. Then I have that life altering incident I told you about. Don’t remember? Read it here.

I say this to say, we can not claim to be Christians and not bear fruit. Becoming a born again Christian is just the first step, you must bear fruit, use the talent God has given you to glorify His name. Once you start to do this, the devil will be busy, but like Paul, keep pressing toward your mark.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Don;t know what your gift is? Remain in Him. You will figure it out.

