My Musings

Protect Your Seed

seedHi everyone!  This is one rainy and gloomy Saturday, in my neck of the woods. But for the second weekend in a row, I get to leave the laptop for a few hours and take a break from writing or running my business. You see last weekend I went to the circus with the kids, today I’m attending a baby shower. I’m super excited cos this is personal. I’m about to have another nephew!! Yay!!.

I read something this morning and my heart itched to share. My devotion took me to the book of Mathew ,chapter 2 to be precise.  You can read it for your self but to summarize, it was about  Herod  being mad that the three wise men deceived him by not coming back to tell him of the birth of baby Jesus and where He was located. His sole aim was to get hold of the seed ( Jesus Christ) that God had given us. That seed that would reconcile us to Him.  He was dedicated to his mission that he resulted to killing  male children in the hope that one of them would be Jesus. That’s just the devil!!

So also  it was with Pharaoh and Moses, the devil did all he deemed necessary through Pharaoh, trying to stop the germination of the seed God was going to use to save His people; Moses.  There are so many other instances in the bible that this trend continues; when God is about to do a big thing, the devil will look for his helpers that will be motivated to do anything to kill it or thwart the plan. One thing is sure Gods plan will always come to pass one way or the other, it might come in another way but it will be fulfilled.

Christians have to always put on the armor of God so that we will be ready and vigilant to stand up against the devices of the devil to steal our seed.

What is your seed? A lifestyle change, a closer relationship to God, your kids, your job. Being vigilant to beat the devil at his own game is to be aware  that he can come in many forms.

Protect your seed with prayer. After all remember those that kneel to God can stand to anything.

Have a blessed day
