My Musings

Strength In My Weakness..

girl-and-woman-praying-132 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me

As Christians we are called to be followers of Christ which means to walk in His ways.  His commands like, love your neighbor as yourself, if anyone slaps you turn the other cheek, forgive those who have offended you seventy times seven times and the list goes on and one are often a tall order with us Christians but hey who said the walk with Christ will be an easy one?

Being a lover of God; which I’m positive that anybody who calls themselves a Christian is.  I strive every day to live a life that He will be proud of and make me worthy of the name Christian. So in my continuous journey the study of the bible- which started off as a “duty” -became one of my nightly rituals (even if it is one chapter). In reading Genesis again with more intent this time, I began to see the story of creation in a different light, especially Eve’s role, then onto Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael, I became intrigued by these women and a host of other great ones in the bible that were blessed and highly favored by God Almighty.  These women had one thing in common; they loved the Lord but were in no way perfect. Just like me…living my imperfect life serving a perfect God.

One of definitions of the word ‘perfect’ in the dictionary is “conforming absolutely to the description of an ideal type”. I use perfect because it is an unspoken myth that because one goes to church on Sundays and bible study on Wednesday and one is a choir member or one of the ushers then you must be perfect and people hold you almost to a non-human standard. Christ didn’t lay down His life because we are without sin but because we are imperfect and His blood has promised us salvation.

Live each day committed to obeying His commands, answering to an audience of One (God). It will never be by your power or might so celebrate yourself for the small things. Strive to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.

Have a fabulous week ahead!!



Copyright 2012 by Unoma Nwankwor

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